Goodtask Forum

Posted by svsmailus_2:

Oct 03, 2019 Hi @Jenrac, thanks for using GoodTask. Evernote for task management. Every time the watch refreshes its data, it sends data to Siri to let them handle it. There is really nothing more that GoodTask can do. There used to be settings for selecting data sources but I can't find it now. Try adding a new task and see how it shows on watch app first.

This video is about preferences sync on GoodTask. Forum: http://itunes. An outstanding ToDo app. It uses Apple's built-in 'Reminders' framework, which makes syncing across devices seamless and easy. Do i have office 365 2019. This also makes the system robust, and insures against platform lock-in. GoodTask then adds a significant set of thoughtful features on top of that base. The app interface is well designed, elegant, and highly configurable.

I stopped using Start date many months ago. Instead, I use Due date as start date, and add the hard deadline to the front of subject line for the tasks that have it. Most tasks don't have a hard deadline, and setting a date using a Due date field is much faster and easier (especially with Siri).

Goodtask Forum I'm very partial to start dates. I like due dates to be deadlines and Goodtaskstart dates means a task shows up when I need to start working on it.
I settled on GoodTask as I already had the iOS app and £39 for the desktop all for a one-off seemed reasonable in a sea of subscriptions. Plus I really like that GoodTask integrating with Reminders means I also see tasks when viewing calendars, which is a real bonus, without any extra work.
The same functionality as bolded above can easily be achieved using Due date.
There's three main reasons that I went with using Due as Start:
1) It works in any task management system, even the most basic one.
2) It's easy and quick - requires less time and effort for entry, or re-scheduling, and works great with Siri (I don't even think that a start date can be added with Siri)
3) It makes the deadline a permanent text record that can't be accidentally changed.
Goodtask forum So a typical task with deadline will look like this:

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2021.03.05 Task ABC due 3/3/21

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I can sort on Subject and get the list of tasks by due date, or sort on Due date & get the order of execution.